2022 Asia University Green Life Proposal Competition (Student Version)

2022 Asia University USRxSDGs Innovation Proposal Competition

The competition aims to ignite student exploration and practice of issues related to University Social Responsibility (USR) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Last year, the USR Center held the USRxSDGs Innovation Proposal Competition, encouraging creative ideas to implement our social responsibility. This year, based on the United Nations' 17 SDGs, the competition invites students to propose initiatives that address key issues such as energy conservation, ecological environments, climate change, health and well-being, human rights, gender equality, multiculturalism, and quality education, with the goal of creating a sustainable and better future.


  • Sustainable Development Promotion Office
  • Office of Student Affairs
  • Deep Cultivation Project
  • Student Union


  • Open to all enrolled students of Asia University, participating as teams (2-5 members per team).
  • Cross-disciplinary and cross-college team formation is encouraged.
  • Each participant can only serve as the captain of one team.
  • Each team must have one faculty advisor (additional advisor may be assigned if necessary).

Each participating team should choose one of the following thematic areas related to the UN's 17 SDGs and develop a concrete action plan to address the issue on campus or other environments:

  • Campus sustainability policy
  • Campus or environmental planning and implementation
  • Sustainable living education

Competition Structure:
The competition consists of two stages: Preliminary and Final.

Preliminary Stage:

  • Teams must fill out the registration form, proposal plan, and authorization documents, and upload them to the designated registration system by the submission deadline.
  • Registration requires logging in with the official school email account.
  • All incomplete or incorrectly formatted submissions will be considered invalid.
  • After initial qualification screening, proposals will be reviewed by the Preliminary Review Committee. Teams that are selected will advance to the finals.

Final Stage:

  • The final stage will be held in person, where teams present their proposal through a 5-10 minute video and a proposal presentation (10 minutes).
  • Teams will be evaluated by a panel of judges who will ask questions after the presentation (5 minutes).
  • Winners will be announced, and awards will be given on-site.

Popular Vote:
To encourage school-wide participation, a Popular Vote will be held. After the preliminary review, the finalists will be featured on a public voting webpage.

  • Voting will be open to all faculty, staff, and students.
  • Each person may cast one vote, and the team with the highest number of votes will win the "Best Popularity Award."

Evaluation Criteria:
The proposals will be evaluated by a panel of academic experts. The assessment will focus on:

  1. Completeness and clarity of the proposal
  2. Innovation and creativity of the proposed solution
  3. Feasibility and potential for implementation
  4. Relevance to the SDGs
  5. Execution capability and impact


  • Finalist teams must agree to allow the organizers to use, reproduce, or publish their work for educational or promotional purposes.
  • Teams that fail to attend the final presentation without a valid reason will be disqualified.

For more details, please refer to the official competition registration page and documents.

This version includes essential points like competition goals, eligibility, and instructions, making it easier to understand for potential participants.

       初賽 決賽
主題契合度 內容契合主題,能妥適連結現況與永續目標 25% 10%
前瞻創新性 內容具創意及獨特性,並能與現況有所區別 15% 15%
執行力 內容具施行效益及實踐可能性 10% 20%
內容完整性 內容架構清晰完整,有明確交代計畫方向且容易理解 20% 25%
效益擴散性 提案產生之綜效與影響力 30% 20%
簡報表現 口語表達能力、團隊合作精神、詢答階段反應力 N/A 10%

Competition Schedule and Plan: (Any changes will be announced separately)

2022/08/01 開放報名
2022/09/16 競賽線上說明會
2022/10/04 17:00 初賽收件截止 資料繳交上傳
初賽評審 主辦單位整理符合規範提案作品,交初賽評審委員個別進行書面評審。
2022/10/28 入圍公告 公告入圍決賽隊伍名單並個別通知
2022/11/15 12:00 決賽資料收件截止 競賽簡報、競賽海報及競賽影片上傳
2022/11/16 12:00~
2022/11/24 12:00
人氣獎競賽 人氣獎開放投票時程
2022/11/25 決賽與頒獎 決賽上台簡報與頒獎

Competition Rewards:

Preliminary Review: Teams selected by the review committee to participate in the final competition will receive a material subsidy of NT$2,000 for competition-related expenses.

Final Competition: 1st Place (1 team): NT$10,000 team prize, with certificates awarded to the advisor and team members. 2nd Place (1 team): NT$8,000 team prize, with certificates awarded to the advisor and team members. 3rd Place (1 team): NT$5,000 team prize, with certificates awarded to the advisor and team members. Popularity Award (5 teams): NT$3,000 team prize, with certificates awarded to the advisor and team members. *The Popularity Award can overlap with the top three prizes.


  1. All submitted works must be independently created and proposed by the participating team members. Plagiarism or outsourcing of the work is prohibited. If any infringement of copyright, patent, or other laws is reported and verified, the team will be disqualified, and the prize money and certificate will be revoked. The team will also bear the legal responsibility for any violations and compensate for any damages caused to the organizer or third parties.
  2. The winning team’s prize money will be received by the team leader, and the distribution will comply with income tax laws and applicable tax withholding regulations.
  3. By registering for the competition, participants acknowledge and accept all rules and provisions of the competition guidelines. To ensure their rights, participants should closely monitor activity announcements and the provided contact email during the event.
  4. If the competition cannot proceed due to force majeure factors, the organizer reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the competition.
  5. The organizer reserves the right to modify the competition rules as needed.

Contact Information: Phone: 0423323456 #3632, Mr. Lin Yi-Sheng, Sustainable Development Promotion Office E-mail: ausd@asia.edu.tw