亞洲大學2024年友善校園調查(The AU Campus Climate Survey)
亞洲大學致力於為校園內的所有人提供最佳環境。為了要創建一個真正多元、公平和包容的校園,我們必須先瞭解與教職員工生之工作和學習相關的觀點和經驗。而本次友善校園調查的目的即在通過對於教職員工生於校園生活中各項觀點和經驗的統整,來幫助我們加深理解本校在多元性、公平性和包容性的表現情況,所收集的數據將用於為當前和未來關於支持多元化、包容性和充滿活力校園的各項政策提供參考依據。完成問卷大約需要 15 分鐘。敬請以校園入口帳密登入填答。
Dear faculty, students, and colleagues,
Asia University is committed to providing the best environment for everyone on campus. In order to create a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus, it is essential to understand the perspectives and experiences related to work and study of faculty, staff, and students. The purpose of the current Friendly Campus Survey is to integrate the viewpoints and experiences of faculty, staff, and students in various aspects of campus life. This will help us deepen our understanding of the university's performance in terms of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The data collected will be used to provide a reference for current and future policies regarding a supportive, diverse, inclusive, and vibrant campus.
The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please log in with your campus entrance credentials to respond.
Participants: ALL teachers, students, and staff of the university
Deadline for completion: January 15, 2025, by 23:59 PM
Survey Links:
Students, please click here: https://forms.office.com/r/RLVDWQkZvK
Student Survey (Undergraduate, Master's, Ph.D., Bachelor's in Continuing Education, excluding credit courses in continuing education)
Teachers, please click here: https://forms.office.com/r/q1KyS7qhy1
Teacher Survey (Teaching, including General Education Center, Sports Department, Middle School Instructors, Research, Clinical Medical Staff, etc.)
Staff, please click here: https://forms.office.com/r/5DKHcd2zFF
Staff Survey (Including Nurses and School Security Personnel)
If you have any questions, please call the campus extension #1795 (Ms. Chen), thank you!