Asia University "Sustainable Development Promotion and Social Responsibility Practice Excellence Award"

1. Purpose:
To encourage faculty and students to actively participate in sustainable development initiatives and promote the practice of university social responsibility, the Asia University "Sustainable Development Promotion and Social Responsibility Practice Excellence Award" is organized to recognize outstanding contributions.

2. Award Recipients:
This award is open to full-time and part-time faculty members, as well as enrolled students of the university.

3. Criteria for Outstanding Contributions:

  • For Faculty:
    Faculty members who have led or participated in university social responsibility projects with concrete achievements and outstanding performance. Nominated individuals should have made significant contributions through research, teaching, and social involvement, addressing important societal issues to advance environmental, economic, or social sustainability.

  • For Students:
    Students who have actively identified and solved problems related to environmental, economic, or social sustainability. This can be through organizing or participating in social responsibility activities that result in significant, tangible contributions.

4. Procedure:

  1. Nomination:
    Faculty, staff, and students may recommend outstanding candidates. Nomination materials must be submitted to the University Office of Research and Development, Social Responsibility Development and Practice Group by the submission deadline. Nominated individuals must include their contributions to social responsibility over the past three years for review.

  2. Selection Process:
    The University Office of Research and Development will perform an initial review of the nominations, and the final selection will be made by the Sustainability Development Committee.

  3. Award Ceremony:
    The award will be presented to one faculty member and one student each year, with additional awards given to other outstanding faculty and students. The winners will be publicly recognized by the university president and will receive a certificate and prize money (for outstanding winners only, the prize amount will be determined according to the annual budget).

  4. Restrictions:
    Award recipients of the Excellence Award are not eligible for re-nomination for the next three years. However, recipients of the Merit Award are not subject to this restriction, allowing more opportunities for other outstanding faculty and students to be recognized.

  5. Submission Deadline:
    Nominations are due by November 17, 2023 (Friday) at 17:00. For inquiries, please contact Mr. Lin at #1794 or email:

5. Other Notes:

  • Nomination Form:
    The nominators can be self-nominated. The "Nominee Basic Information Form" should not exceed 5 pages.

  • Supporting Materials:
    Nominated individuals must list the relevant achievements in sustainability or university social responsibility practices over the past two years. The supporting materials should be compiled into one document, and the total page count should not exceed 50 pages.
    Please submit the materials to the following email before the deadline: The email subject should be: "[Excellence Award] Department (Name) XXX".

Evaluation Criteria:

  • For Faculty:

    1. Participation in sustainable development or university social responsibility (USR) activities.
    2. Proposing solutions to current environmental, social, or economic issues and making improvements, or enhancing current development.
  • For Students:
    Active involvement in sustainable development or university social responsibility (USR) activities and their successful execution.